Friday, July 11, 2008


What an incredible couple of days... I got to to preach last weekend. I tend to be a little passionate about certain aspects of faith, and apparently that came through... People have been talking to me all week about what to do, who to feed, how they can serve, etc... Some have even searched for information and solutions to the world-wide slavery, and sex trafficking crisis we are facing... Folks have carried the conversation into small groups and families... friends are looking for new, creative ways to care for people... Nothing is more inspiring to a non-believer than watching believers worshiping Isaiah58 style (feeding, clothing, sheltering, teaching). Thanks for your response... not to me, but to a great God who loves to see us join Him among His people. You guys are the best...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Walking upstream

I have been blindsided by the the idea that slavery stills exists... And not just slavery, but a sex slave trade that imprisons and abuses young children... not just in remote parts of the world, but even in parts of the United States... I'm going to be sending updates and links through this blog to help us continue the conversation that leads to justice... I'm not satisfied with talk... it's time to start walking upstream and finding out what's causing this insanity... while we are heading upstream, start praying... this is going to be a difficult chat... and the solutions are going to require tough sacrifices... but, we can't sit quietly... time to loosen some chains...
